Thursday, April 28, 2011

Children's Book Week 2011 - Celebrations!

MWE students will celebrate with two author visits brought to us by Blue Willow Bookshop...

Ree Drummond
Friday, May 6, 9:30 a.m.
MWE Gym for PK-3rd Grades

Order your autographed books today!
Click for Order Form

Katherine Hannigan
Tuesday, May 10, 1:00 p.m.
WAIS Auditorium for 4th & 5th Grades

Order your autographed books today!
Click for Order Form

Parents are welcome to attend!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Guest Reader for Second Grade

MWE second graders celebrated Law Day with a guest reader. On Wednesday, April 20, Mark Kelly, President of the Houston Bar Association, read Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed by Emily Pearson. In the book, young Mary's good deed is multiplied as it is passed on by those who have been touched by the kindness of others.

MWE thanks Mr. Kelly for his time and the Houston Bar Association for organizing the event and donating this fabulous book to the MWE library.