Friday, December 11, 2015

Hour of Code 2015 at MWE

The week of December 7th is Computer Science Education week, and once again we joined the masses participating in the Hour of Code. The idea is to have every student work for one hour during this week to learn about computer programming using various websites, activities, apps, and technology. I was able to have grades 1st-5th grade all visit the library during that week to complete various activities, and we had lots of fun too!




FIFTH GRADE: Bonus: Robots!

Kindergarteners even got in on the fun and started learning about programming Dash robots using Blockly on their ipads!

If you are looking for more ways to get your students coding, use this Coding Symabloo page by Shannon Miller to find some great websites and resources!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Toddler Story Time - December 2015

December brought thoughts of the holidays, so we read Christmas stories and sang songs to help us Countdown to Christmas!

Our stories this month were:
 Bear Stays Up by Karma Wilson
 Click, Clack, Ho! Ho! Ho! by Doreen Cronin

And then we listened to "Up on the Housetop" while looking at the wonderful pictures in this book:

We ended our time by making a Christmas paper chain to count down the days until Christmas was here!

Click here to see the December Story Time slides.

Keep reading, friends! I hope you get lots of books as presents this holiday season!